Happy Anniversary Mr Kickstartbabies…


It’s Not Always Rainbows and Butterflies…. Because I don’t like eggs.

Happy anniversary to this absolute hunk of a guy. 10 years together and today we’ve hit 4 whole years of married life! Wow.


First anniversary spent gambling at the casino, the second spent in Paris, full swing on fertility meds, the third spent in hospital awaiting the arrival of our twins, and boom!! Here we are 4 years on…..husband, wife, daddy, mummy.

Ok, so we share first place now, we don’t always have time to kiss and say “I love you” first thing in the mornings before you get out of bed, we don’t speak that silly language we once created, you don’t come and rub my back when I’m in the bath anymore because I don’t have time for them, I haven’t made you a cup of tea in weeks and we refer to each other now as mummy and daddy.

But I love you more than I ever thought I could.

Even when you’re walking around the house in back to front, inside out boxer shorts, or those faded bloody long johns you’ve cut one leg off of because your too hot with the two, I still love you. I love the fact that you still think it’s ok to squeeze your massive feet into MY socks, how you add your own lyrics into my favourite songs so i end up singing your potty mouth version everywhere I go, and I especially love the way you shout “HELP ME” when your changing a number 2.

I love the way you drive at 20mph and indicate last minute, pissing off the poor guy waiting to pull out, but your oblivious. I love how you never remember people’s names so you just call them sweetheart and mate.

I love how you always pour yourself the bigger glass of wine and think I don’t notice, how you always seem to stand directly In front of the TV at the most crucial point and how the kids seem to save all their sick for the moment you walk through the door.

I love how you do your work outs in the living room in said long johns and MY socks, making funny noises with your concentration tongue hanging out the side, sometimes along with your manhood.

I love how you comment about recipes – yet the only time you’ve ever cooked for me you made an omelette, I don’t like egg.


I love how you invented me a tickle machine because you were sick of stroking my feet, but it was so loud we couldn’t hear the TV and I had to sit so uncomfortably that I eventually got cramp in my leg.

Keith, i love you for making me belly laugh everyday. As much as I want to sometimes, I just can’t stay mad for more than an hour.
You’re one in a million. Xxx
